Family Is Important! Your Parents or Grandparents Can Visit You in Canada for up to Two Years with a Super Visa!
Parents and grandparents play an important role in our lives and with the super visa, they are now allowed to come to visit their children and grandchildren for up to 2 years in Canada. This is much longer than the regular 6-month visa that is usually provided to visitors and it provides a lot more bonding time for families. When you want to see more of your loved ones, you can apply for a super visa so that you can all enjoy extra time together.
Super Visa Emergency Medical Insurance
One of the things that you’ll need to have in place before submitting your application, however, is emergency health insurance for the visitors. This is important in case any unforeseen circumstances such as a sickness or an injury occur during the visit. Anyone that is visiting Canada on a super visa must have this insurance whether they have a pre-existing medical condition or not.
Super Visa Insurance Monthly Payment Plans
Most providers of this insurance offer payment plans so that monthly premiums can be made. This is an affordable and convenient option that can help alleviate any upfront costs. In order to figure out how much the payments would be, you can use a visa insurance calculator to work it out. The most important thing is to understand that super visa insurance CIC (Citizenship and Immigration Canada) must be in place for the application to be approved. Without proof of health insurance, your parents or grandparents simply won’t be accepted for this visa.
Leave nothing to chance and get super visa insurance quotes Canada today! Visit our website now at comparebuysave.ca to get the best price for your visa insurance!